Meet The Staff

Lindsay Lenihan, Executive Director

Lindsay joined the New Ross Family Resource Centre as Executive Director in June 2023 after serving on the board of directors for a year and a half. She is passionate about serving the community of New Ross and doing what she can to help everyone be their best self!

Lindsay moved to New Ross in 2016 with her now husband to his family home. Together they have two children. She has a degree in Business Administration with a major in Accounting and has a heart guided by community and helping others. In her spare time she loves doing anything crafty! From knitting to sewing, textile crafting always holds a special place in her heart!

Laura Broome, Office Administrator / Facilitator

Laura joined our team in October 2021, tackling some of the heavier monthly duties, such as Blood Collection, The Flyer and the Produce Box Program. She has grown into the role of Facilitator as well running several programs including the Emergency Preparedness Program and Nobody’s Perfect!

Laura was born and raised in New Ross and is now raising her four children here as well! She has her Office Information Technology course through NSCC. Laura is passionate about helping people down on their luck. In her spare time she enjoys arm wrestling, tug of war, and going on walks with her dog.

Janice Cornelius, Family/Youth & After School Program Coordinator

Janice coordinates our NRFRC Programs, as well as the New Ross After School Program. We’ve been lucky to have her since 2009. She was born and raised right here in New Ross, graduating from NRCS and moving on to Saint Mary’s University in Halifax, to pursue a Bachelor of Arts Degree with a major in Psychology.

She is married, with two daughters, who are now young adults. Her nest isn’t empty as she has a dog, two cats, and two horses to keep her busy! She has always worked with children in many capacities from babysitting to looking after children in her home, to giving horse riding lessons, and now working at the Resource Centre!

Selina Tanner, After School Program Support Staff